Videos and Webinars

Our extensive range of videos and webinars are designed to keep you in the loop with all the latest management and leadership best practice, research and news. Catch up with recordings from CMI’s digital events and webinars to up-skill and update your knowledge.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

CMI Race: Moving the dial

A passionate debate about race inequality in organisations and society and how to implement authentic changes.

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Topic: Workplace Culture

Blueprint for Balance: Pay & Rewards

Hear all about pay & rewards in a gender-balanced workplace.

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Topic: Workplace Culture

Blueprint for Balance: An ambitious new approach to inclusion

Our experts provided practical insights on how to create a more inclusive work environment.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Supporting Colleagues’ Wellbeing

Supporting careers of diverse ethnic groups and help organisations tackle inequalities.

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Topic: Employability

Future Proof Your Skills

The three key themes for the not-so-future world of work and how to future proof yourself.

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Topic: Personal Development

Grow Through What you Go Through

Expert tips on how to develop your personal resilience, improve your wellbeing, working relationships and performance.

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Project management

Learn the key principles of project management, why some projects fail, and what you can do about it.

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Topic: Productivity

Project Management Principles

Put project management principles into practice; make effective decisions, achieve better outcomes and see results.

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Topic: Crisis Management

Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst

Practical tools and techniques to identify potential threats, and implement safeguards against them.

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Topic: Productivity

Get By With a “Digital Boost”

Head of Digital Boost, Sherry Coutu CBE discusses how a small business can continue digitisation during a pandemic.

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Topic: Crisis Management

A Whole New World

Join Ann Francke and Dame Stephanie Shirley CH as they consider how COVID will reshape the working world.

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

The art of Negotiation

How to strike a balance between your needs and those of your stakeholders.

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