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Topic: Employment Landscape

Apprenticeship Levy 2.0 – Flexibility & Productivity

CMI sets out a vision for a positive reform agenda to raise productivity and deliver economic growth.

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Topic: Productivity

A Picture of Health?

CMI has partnered with the Social Market Foundation to examine the state of leadership & management in the healthcare sector.

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Topic: Productivity

West Midlands Future Prosperity

CMI and Aston University set out how a West Midlands management skills upgrade could boost growth locally and nationally.

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Topic: Employment Landscape

The Future of the Apprenticeship Levy

CMI and UVAC set out their joint vision for a positive reform agenda to raise productivity and deliver economic growth

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Topic: Employment Landscape

Economic Briefing for Managers: Inflation

The UK has soaring inflation and anaemic growth rates. If left
unaddressed, the economic outlook looks grim.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

The Everyone Economy

CMI’s plan for sharing work opportunity and success

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Topic: Crisis Management

CMI Economic Briefing: Russian invasion of Ukraine

CMI’s Economic Briefing on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including practical steps Managers can take to support teams.

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Topic: Gender

Women in the pandemic – small gains but big gaps remain

This 2022 International Women’s Day discussion paper highlights the overall progress made in industry.

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Topic: Ethnicity

Ethnicity in the Workplace: Discussion Paper

Take a look at our discussion paper that went alongside our conversation about ethnicity at work.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Watch the video: modern management challenges

How good management, and good data, can make the difference when improving opportunities for people of different ethnicities

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Making Hybrid Working Inclusive

While some workers are benefitting from a shift to hybrid, others are facing new challenges.

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Topic: Employability

Building Employability Skills

Only 22% of employers think that graduates entering the workplace are equipped with key employability skills.

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