The Code of Practice
CMI is the chartered professional body dedicated to supporting individual managers and organisations to achieve success through higher standards in management and leadership. Its objects, set out in the Royal Charter, are ‘to promote for the public benefit the art and science of management’ and ‘to advance public education therein’.
Honesty, integrity and trust, together with the display and maintenance of high standards of professional conduct and competence, lie at the heart of best practice in management and leadership, wherever practised in the world. The required high standards apply equally to the personal behaviour of the professional manager; to working relationships with team members, other colleagues and stakeholders; to the management and leadership activities undertaken on behalf of an employing organisation; and to actions which have an impact on society at large.
Professional managers apply specialist knowledge and skills for the benefit of their organisations, employees, colleagues, stakeholders, and wider society.
In doing so they must:
- apply expertise and sound judgement
- motivate and support others
- contribute positively to the achievement of the objectives of the organisation.
Adherence to the standards of management conduct, competence and practice as set out in this Code, together with an ongoing commitment to self-development, are fundamental requirements of CMI membership. The Code sets a high standard, to which all members agree to adhere when they join the Institute, and to which they recommit on annual membership renewal.
Information which comes to the CMI’s attention, suggesting that a member’s conduct may not be in accordance with the provisions of this Code, will be reviewed under the complaints handling and resolution process, overseen by the Professional Standards Committee.
Code of Practice for Professional Managers
In my personal management and leadership practice I will:
- Strive for excellence at all times
- Remain accountable for my actions
- Disclose any personal interest which may affect my managerial decisions
- Safeguarding confidential information and not seek personal advantage from it
- Act only within my level of competence and in accordance with the highest standards of professional behaviour and performance
- Continue to develop professionally, and seek support if asked to act beyond my current level of capability
- Act reasonably and justifiably in identifying and resolving conflicts of values, including those of an ethical nature
In my management and leadership of others I will:
- Support colleagues to fully understand their responsibilities, areas of authority and accountability
- Act consistently and fairly when addressing any shortfall in performance or standards of behaviour
- Foster a culture of openness and transparency in communications, where issues may be addressed in a frank, timely and effective manner
- Have regard for the physical and mental health, safety and well being of colleagues, recognising their specific needs and the pressures and problems they face
- Ensure that every individual is treated fairly and that matters of faith, conscience and diversity are respected
- Encourage and assist colleagues to develop their skills and progress their careers, valuing the contribution which they may make, and recognising their achievements
For the organisation which employs me, where it is within my power, authority or influence to do so, I will:
- Seek to reconcile personal and corporate values
- Safeguarding the reputation and assets of the organisation
- Uphold lawful policies, practices and procedures and seek to enhance them in the interests of good management practice
- Act in a manner which supports the organisation’s overall objectives and contributes to the achievement of targets set
- Apply all available remedies and procedures to address matters I perceive as improper or as falling below acceptable standards of professional practice
In the interests of customers, suppliers, business partners and other stakeholders I will:
- Safeguarding all confidential and/or proprietary information that comes into my possession
- Ensure that I properly understand their interests and respond to them in a balanced manner
- Establish, maintain and develop business relationships based on mutual confidence and trust
- Neither offer nor accept gifts, hospitality or services which could create, or imply, an improper obligation
- Refrain from entering into any agreement or undertake any activity which is unlawful or anti-competitive
- Ensure that agreements entered into or activities undertaken are consistent with the interests of my organisation and demonstrate good management practice
For the wider community I will:
- Be honest, open and truthful in all external communications
- Respect the customs, practices and reasonable ambitions of others
- Ensure that I am aware of, and comply with, all relevant legislation and regulations in the country where I am operating
- Respect social, environmental and wider corporate responsibility concerns, assessing the impact of my actions on the environment and society around me, and seeking to conserve resources wherever possible
As a member of the Chartered Management Institute I will:
- Promote its mission, vision and values
- Uphold its integrity and good standing, and refrain from conduct which detracts from its reputation
- Promote its professional image and standing as the Chartered body for professional management
- Observe the standards of professional conduct and practice as set out in this Code, as they may be reviewed and reissued from time to time
- Comply with all reasonable requests made by the Institute for information to assist an investigation into a possible breach of the Code
For information on the professional conduct procedures underpinning this Code contact Elaine McLean, Institute Secretary; tel: 01536 207491; email: