What can Associate ChMC do for you?
Set a standard of excellence for yourself, your employer and your clients
Associate ChMC demonstrates that you consistently deliver to the recognised industry standards for management consulting whilst delivering results for your clients.

Ayrton Dhillon, Consultant, Arcadis, Associate ChMC
How to achieve Associate Chartered Status and the right pathway for you?
Associate Chartered Management Consultant is all about professional recognition within the management consulting profession. CMI offers various routes to achieving Associate Chartered Management Consultant status.
To apply for Associate ChMC status, you must be ‘professionally active’. This means you:
- Have a proven track record of delivering consultancy;
- Contribute to the operational enhancement and commercial sustainability of an organisation and its clients;
- Have up-to-date knowledge of current practices and methods;
- Are actively involved in the management consultancy profession.
Identify your route to Associate ChMC
Chartered Management Consultant and Associate Chartered Management Consultant are all about professional recognition. By gaining Associate ChMC, you are on a pathway to achieving the highest status that can be reached in the management consulting profession. CMI offers various routes to achieving Associate Chartered Management Consultant status, depending on an individual’s management consulting experience.
For management consultants registered on their organisation’s accredited ChMC programme.
You will be required to demonstrate a minimum of 3 years’ management consulting experience and evidence all of the Applied Level ChMC Competencies
Check if your organisation has an accredited ChMC development programme Application Guidance - On-Programme RouteAssociate ChMC Assessment Process
The Associate ChMC assessment process is the same for all routes and comprises two stages.
You will be assessed against the ChMC competency framework. This consists of the following sections:
- Values, Ethics and Behaviours - the profession must be grounded and rooted in a set of standards so that the award has at its very core a code of conduct and practice that enshrines core management consulting ethics, values and practices.
- Leadership and management - one of the key characteristics that define successful management consultants is their ability to lead and manage effectively.
- Client Operating Environment - Organisations expect their consultants to hold up to date technical and functional knowledge and be able to apply their understanding of a number of core subjects, for example, change management, operational improvement and so on. In addition, in order to operate effectively management consultants require specific, yet wide ranging, functional technical knowledge. Chartered Management Consultants must demonstrate capabilities in the following areas: industry or sector specialisms; clients and markets; strategy, analysis and insight; operational delivery (including technology enablement); stakeholder and relationship development.
- Personal and Professional Development - There is an expectation that Chartered Management Consultants take responsibility for their own personal and professional development, developing a number of individual characteristics including inclusion and diversity, intellectual curiosity, intellectual flexibility, social and emotional intelligence, collaboration, influence and stakeholder relationship management.
The written submission needs to be completed using the template provided within 3 months of application for assessment.
The written submission will be assessed and where it doesn’t meet the required standards the consultant will receive feedback and a request to submit additional supporting evidence within 14 days. Consultants have a maximum ot 2 submission attempts. Where the written submission meets the criteria the consultant will be invited to a professional discussion.
ChMC Submission Top TipsFollowing a successful stage one submission, a consultant will be invited to a professional discussion with an Assessor. All professional discussions are held remotely. The professional discussion will validate and explore experience. The Assessor will make their judgements based solely on the information in the submission and performance during the professional discussion.
Consultants will be contacted directly by their Assessor to arrange a convenient time for their professional discussion. Professional discussions will be recorded for quality assurance purposes with the consultant’s permission.
ChMC Professional Discussion Preparation ChecklistProgressing from Associate to full ChMC Status
Once awarded Associate ChMC status, consultants will be able to use the designation ‘Assoc.ChMC’.
Having achieved the Associate ChMC award, the next milestone for your professional recognition within the management consulting industry is full Chartered status. You should continue to gather evidence of your competencies against the Chartered level standards in preparation.
Gain Recognition For Your Achievements and Expertise: Become an Associate Chartered Professional
To demonstrate your commitment to professional standards in management consulting and get on the pathway towards full Chartered status apply now.