
Management And Leadership Styles

Monday 30 March 2020

Management or leadership style is the manner in which managers exercise their authority in the workplace and ensure that their objectives are achieved. It covers how managers plan and organise work in their area of responsibility and, in particular, about how they relate to, and deal with their colleagues and team members.

The key components of management and leadership style are attitudes and behaviours, including: what a manager says; how they say it; the example they set; their body language; and their general conduct and demeanour.

The use of the term 'leadership style' has become much more common in recent years and has largely replaced the term 'management style' in the work of management thinkers. Often the distinction between the two is unclear. There is an ongoing debate about the concepts of management and leadership with some seeing them as different and distinct and others seeing leadership as an aspect of management which is not just the prerogative of senior managers but can be exercised by everyone in their area of responsibility.

Models Of Management And Leadership Styles

Some models of management and leadership styles includes:

  • Rensis Likert
  • The Tannenbaum Schmidt Leadership Continuum
  • Theory X and theory Y
  • The managerial grid
  • William B Reddin's 3D theory
  • Situational leadership
  • Action-centred leadership
  • Transactional leadership
  • Transformational leadership
  • Daniel Goleman on leadership styles
  • Henry Mintzberg on managing
  • Authentic leadership

Action Checklist

  1. Know yourself
  2. Look at your work habits
  3. Think about how others see you
  4. Take account of the context in which you work
  5. Identify areas for adjustment or development
  6. To learn more about the models of management and leadership styles and detailed description of the action checklist, view the guide below.

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