Videos and Webinars:

Raising Awareness & Skills

Monday 26 July 2021

CMI’s Management Transformed research found that although employees from diverse ethnic groups were more likely to think that workplace culture had improved since March 2020, UK employees as a whole highlighted there are still equality, diversity and inclusion challenges in the workplace.
The research found that Black employees prioritise workplace diversity much more than all other UK employees and are more likely than any other ethnic group to feel their manager didn’t trust them to undertake their job role.
This is clearly a critical issue for managers and leaders to address - if not for any other reason than it’s bad for business. Where managers trust their direct reports, they find that productivity rises.
The first step to building trust is listening.


Sharing extensive new practical insights will be Dr Naeema Pasha, Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Director of Henley Careers and Professional Development, Founder of Henley's World of Work (WOW). Naeema is the lead researcher for The Equity Effect, new research published by Henley Business School into racial equity in UK businesses which found that:
“Businesses which actively confront inequity and racism with practical measures, can expect to see an improvement in their employees’ job satisfaction, loyalty, creativity and, ultimately, value, recording an average revenue 58% higher than those which did not.”

In this session...

We will be joined by entrepreneur and multiple business owner Dr Maggie Semple OBE CMgr CCMI to find out more about the Black British Voices research project, which aims to create a nuanced and comprehensive account of the experience of being Black in Britain. Through the project Maggie’s company I-Cubed Group and partners, The Voice Newspaper and University of Cambridge, aim to build understanding, drive change and maximise participation in key institutions and professions.

Some organisations have developed initiatives to build trust and increase participation by other key stakeholder groups, not just employees. David Dent CMgr FCMI, Senior Director, Business Development, Parexel International will share insights from Diversity Discussions, a major consultation aimed at addressing the need for more equitable access to healthcare and clinical trials.


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