Videos and Webinars:

Creative Problem Solving in Practice

Wednesday 08 September 2021

The pandemic highlighted how organisations have embraced creative problem solving methodologies and have been able to adapt and innovate in challenging times, gaining greater stability and growth. This event takes this a step further and looks at creative problem solving in practice. 

David Ferguson, Co-owner & Director, Bobs and Berts and David Hunter, CEO, AEL will share their own experiences and how they put creative thinking into practice within their own businesses. Find out how they managed the changes needed, the challenges they had to overcome and how they would do things differently as a result of what they have been through over the past 18 months.

In this digital event...

Our two guest speakers highlight how businesses in the private and charity sector have implemented creative thinking methods to pivot their organisations through these difficult times.

Catch up on the first event of the series ‘The ‘How To’ of Creative Problem Solving’.

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