Videos and Webinars:

CMI Race: Moving the dial

Tuesday 20 October 2020

In 2017 CMI said it was time to break the silence on race at work, and that remains the imperative for leaders and managers who have not. For those who have, it is time to move the dial for change even higher and use the shock of 2020 to truly unlock our organisations for all. To do so requires leaders and managers to listen and learn, then educate others. We need to listen carefully to the brave voices of people who have experienced issues relating to race inequality in organisations and society, and of those who are truly doing their best to implement authentic changes.

In this session...

CMI Race chair Pavita Cooper CMgr CCMI and CMI Women chair Dr Heather Melville OBE CMgr CCMI will be joined in conversation by guests including Tamara Box CMgr CCMI, Managing Partner, EME and global board member, Reed Smith LLP, Aquilla Cozzella, Delivery Director and Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Board, Corndel and Delroy Beverley CMgr CCMI MBA, BSc (Hons), Managing Director, York NHS Facilities Management Partnership and Chair of CMI North East, Yorkshire and Humberside (NEYH) Regional Board.


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