Secure and Settled

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

What coming out taught me about great leadership

Chartered Manager Michael Thirlaway learned early on that an open and personal approach to management led to inclusivity

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Topic: Crisis Management

Are you guided by the science?

Science has informed our response to the pandemic and now offers us a route out. Should you be a more scientific leader?

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Are digital tools the answer to employees’ mental health issues?

Nothing beats face-to-face conversations but, with careful management, digital wellbeing solutions can play a unique part

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

What does best-practice Gender Pay Gap reporting look like?

For some companies, gender pay gap reporting is a legal requirement, but how do you make this data lead to actionable change?

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Topic: Crisis Management

Long read: How Covid-19 changed crisis management

We now know what a real crisis looks like. Now’s the time for managers to prepare for the next one

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Topic: Governance

Long Read: Let employees decide – you’ll thank them for it

Some think giving employees more decision-making power leads to chaos and conflict – I believe it invigorates them

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Topic: Productivity

The four drivers of employee engagement at a time of crisis

We’re at a fork in the road. Leaders must resist their command-and-control instincts and instead dig deeper for re-engagement

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Topic: Governance

Long Read: Eight lessons from 2020s CMgrs of the year

CMI’s Chartered Manager of the Year Award shortlist always offers lessons in best practice for managers on every level

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

The five business benefits of a diverse team

Diversity is good for business – as these five trends show

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