Mental Health and Wellbeing

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Topic: Personal Development

Seven ways to fight back against the diversity and inclusion backlash  

“We’re at a potentially dangerous inflection point” for EDI, says CMI President Fiona Dawson. Here’s what we can do about it…

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Topic: Workplace Culture

What do the world’s happiest workplaces have in common?

How managers can cultivate a workplace culture that attracts top talent and drives sustained success

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Topic: Employee Engagement

Quiet quitting among new-generation employees in poor and developing countries: implications for employers

The urgent steps employers must take at a time of rising dissatisfaction and disengagement

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Topic: Personal Development

How I learned to beat imposter syndrome

NHS service manager Aliyah Akhtar CMgr MCMI has learned to manage feelings of inadequacy at work

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Neurodivergence can be a superpower, if managers create the right conditions

Neurodivergence should be harnessed for its many benefits – which requires managers to create more balanced, open teams

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Topic: Workplace Culture

Are workcations the solution to burnout?

They can give employees much-needed space to think, but workcations come with a host of practical implications for managers

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Topic: Productivity

The post-summer blues are here. How can you help your team through them?

How to rally your team’s morale as the days get shorter

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Topic: Personal Development

When did you realise you couldn’t “wing it” as a manager?

One Chartered Manager shares a crucial turning point in her career

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Topic: Productivity

Highlights – 5 September

Today’s management challenges: happiness, generation gaps and “cocky” employees

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Topic: Personal Development

Happiness at work – why it matters and how managers play a vital role

Six lessons in building a happy workforce from the former CMI president and managing director of Waitrose

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