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Topic: Imposter Syndrome

“You are your own brand”

Harjinder Hayer CMgr FCMI tackled his imposter syndrome by throwing himself into lifelong learning

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Topic: Personal Development

Why women hold back – and why we need a smarter approach to workplace promotions

Traditional promotion and employee evaluation processes often disadvantage women, write Iris Bohnet and Siri Chilazi

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Topic: Personal Development

“Good care starts with good leadership”

How becoming Chartered enhanced Afolabi Erinle CMgr MCMI’s professional recognition

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Topic: Productivity

“Checking in, not checking up”: long-term sickness at work

Three Chartered Managers on building a healthy defence against long-term sickness absence at work

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Topic: Personal Development

“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”

Professor Mark Loon CMgr FCMI reflects on how AI is already changing education and what it means to be a good manager

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Topic: Productivity

“Wellbeing can’t be an afterthought’: How I became a mental health ambassador

How CMI helped one Chartered Manager formalise his support for people’s wellbeing

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Topic: Personal Development

“I want to give back to the community and inspire the next generation”

Donna Goodall CMgr MCMI has spent her career seeking new knowledge and using it to support others

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Topic: Personal Development

“This has given more in terms of career progression than anything I’ve done”

How a Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship is helping Emma Dean thrive in the energy sector

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Topic: Personal Development

The ethical leader: lessons from history’s downfalls

What can the stories of Icarus and King David teach us about hubris and the corrupting influence of power?

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Topic: Personal Development

How I help to encourage more women and girls into engineering careers

Engineer Michelle Brown CMgr MCMI is on a mission to boost female engagement in her profession

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