performance at work

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Topic: Personal Development

Seven steps to achieving tranquility amid turbulence

In a turbulent world, inner calm will keep you performing at your best. The VP of CMI Sri Lanka shares his recipe for success

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

An Olympian’s guide to high performance

Win at work with these six performance-boosting tips from Olympic athlete Jack Green

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Topic: Productivity

“You are either fighting or you’re not”

Chase Plastics has used the pandemic pause to re-examine every aspect of what it does – and turbo-charged its performance

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Topic: Productivity

High-performance habits: four behaviours to inspire you in the crisis

Want to boost your performance (and your team’s) in the next phase of Covid-19? Dial up the management and leadership skills

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Lockdown insomnia: what are the signs that your team are struggling?

More people are struggling with sleep problems during the pandemic. How does that affect their performance at work?

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Topic: Communication

World-class performance in your team. Why not?

The mindset that underpins workplace culture is often overlooked – yet it determines the quality of work in your team

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

the best time ever to go to the gym?

Here’s the Truth About the Connection Between Physical Exercise and Mental Health and Performance at Work…

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