CMI Research Bouncing Back
Sunday 05 June 2016Unsupportive working cultures are leaving managers to struggle with the fall-out of workplace crises, according to new research. Most managers (94%) have faced crises during their career, but only half (55%) have handled them professionally, according to Bouncing Back: Leadership lessons in resilience.
“I want to give back to the community and inspire the next generation”
Donna Goodall CMgr MCMI has spent her career seeking new knowledge and using it to support others
“This has given more in terms of career progression than anything I’ve done”
How a Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship is helping Emma Dean thrive in the energy sector
Where technical expertise meets leadership skills: engineering management at Newcastle College
Two students on Newcastle College’s BSc (Hons) in Engineering Management share how they are learning effective leadership
How I help to encourage more women and girls into engineering careers
Engineer Michelle Brown CMgr MCMI is on a mission to boost female engagement in her profession
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