The information on this page is designed to help you to develop ever more compelling business proposals and presentations. Take a look at our selection of tools which could help support you.

Flexible Working and the Future of Work: managing employees since Covid-19
A joint research report the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on flexible working.
Cranfield: Part-time Working After the Pandemic: the impact of the flexible furlough scheme
A report on part-time working after the pandemic and the impact of the flexible furlough Scheme.
Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Report
The Fawcett Society has published a report on how to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace. Read the report here.
Bridging the Gender Pay Gap – Research Recommendations
Read King’s College London’s report which provides recommendations to improve gender pay gap reporting legislation.
How to be a Flexible First organisation
This #FlexibleFirst Toolkit, produced with contributions from CMI, provides reasons for flexible working practices.
Team Building
Workplace teams are used to carry out projects of various kinds and can make a significant contribution to success
Talent Management
The development of talented employees can be one of the most profitable investments an organisation makes.
Developing Strategy
In the past most organisations took a highly structured approach to strategy development known as strategic planning
Employee Engagement
Increasing attention has been paid to the subject of employee engagement over the past decade and many organisations have act
Problem Solving
Problem solving is a valuable skill that can really only be learnt, and perfected, through continual practice.
Decision Making
Making effective decisions as a manager is a very significant challenge in a fast-moving world.
Work Life Balance
Work-life balance has been shown to have real business benefits.