
The information on this page is designed to help you to develop ever more compelling business proposals and presentations. Take a look at our selection of tools which could help support you.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Flexible Working and the Future of Work: managing employees since Covid-19

A joint research report the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on flexible working.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Cranfield: Part-time Working After the Pandemic: the impact of the flexible furlough scheme

A report on part-time working after the pandemic and the impact of the flexible furlough Scheme.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Report

The Fawcett Society has published a report on how to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace. Read the report here.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Bridging the Gender Pay Gap – Research Recommendations

Read King’s College London’s report which provides recommendations to improve gender pay gap reporting legislation.

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Topic: Flexibility

How to be a Flexible First organisation

This #FlexibleFirst Toolkit, produced with contributions from CMI, provides reasons for flexible working practices.

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Topic: Productivity

Team Building

Workplace teams are used to carry out projects of various kinds and can make a significant contribution to success

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Topic: Productivity

Talent Management

The development of talented employees can be one of the most profitable investments an organisation makes.

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Topic: Productivity

Developing Strategy

In the past most organisations took a highly structured approach to strategy development known as strategic planning

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Topic: Productivity

Employee Engagement

Increasing attention has been paid to the subject of employee engagement over the past decade and many organisations have act

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Topic: Personal Development

Problem Solving

Problem solving is a valuable skill that can really only be learnt, and perfected, through continual practice.

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Topic: Personal Development

Decision Making

Making effective decisions as a manager is a very significant challenge in a fast-moving world.

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Work Life Balance

Work-life balance has been shown to have real business benefits.

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