Socio-economic Background

In 2022, CMI is celebrating our 75th anniversary. As part of this, we are focussing on 5 key themes that as a whole create all-inclusive Modern Management and equal opportunity for everyone, one of these themes is Socio-Economic Background.

Through research, we are looking to find out about the barriers and how we can break them down to create equal opportunity, for everyone.

What is Socio-Economic Background?

Socio-economic background is often used as a measure for social mobility. Yet the two terms can be difficult to define due to the wide variety of factors that can influence the outcomes of different individuals.

Whilst socio-economic background refers to the set of social and economic circumstances that an individual has come from, social mobility refers to what someone’s income and occupation is in comparison to their parents or peers. The terms are linked and social mobility is often used as a way of describing the opportunities that enable individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds to become more economically successful.

We know that socio-economic background is a characteristic that can influence inequalities in the workplace as well as in wider society.

Socio-Economic Discussion Paper

Socio-Economic Background in the Workplace

We want to understand the barriers that remain to create fair, inclusive workplaces, and the practical steps leaders can take for positive action. Read the discussion paper on Socio-Economic Background in the workplace.

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Resources and Articles

15 entries found
Topic: Equality and Diversity

Class acts: How great leaders combat socio-economic bias

Don’t miss the latest CMI Members Magazine, where we dive into a topic that’s still taboo in many workplaces: class

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

It’s time to talk about socio-economic background

A short film from CMI explores a subject that’s often unspoken in the workplace: socio-economic background

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Five ways to ensure your hiring is EDI compliant

Expert tips on how to make sure your organisation appeals to the widest pool of talent

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Topic: Personal Development

How education is opening up the path to management

The International Day of Education is all about making training more sustainable. We know that employability skills are key

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Topic: Socio-economic

Why class still matters – and how to counter this

Learn how managers can engage and recruit more people from all socio-economic backgrounds – and what the Olympics did right

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Topic: Socio-economic

Socio-Economic Background: 75th Anniversary Poll

CMI is celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 2022. Find out about the research topics, and how you can get involved.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Inclusion – who exactly are we trying to include and why?

One CMI Companion wants to open up the conversation about some of the other, less explored facets of diversity and inclusion

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How CMI can help

Management Apprenticeships

“For someone who was let down by school, who struggled to fit in with people my own age but with a massive driving force of ambition with regard to my career, my apprenticeship has changed my life. I have found my purpose and what I enjoy. I feel any stigma attached to apprenticeships is totally undeserved.”

El Longden, New Talent Apprentice, BBC

Find out more about management apprenticeships

Key Employability Skills

“The truth is, every student faces a different experience. All of us have a responsibility to help students across all courses to achieve positive outcomes. That starts with providing them with the core employability skills they’ll need to get their foot on the ladder.”

Matt Swarbrick, Director of Partnerships, CMI

The key employability skills for work-ready graduates