Flexible working

Flexible working makes good business sense. If implemented well, it can boost the attraction, retention, progression, and well-being of people.


Flexible Working Guidance

As part of the Government's Flexible Working Taskforce, we’re joining Working Families to ask employers to use the Happy to Talk Flexible Working strapline and logo when recruiting.

Guide to Flexible Working

Champion Flexible Working

As a leader you should embrace Flexible Working - flexible working is good for people, for business, and for the economy. Even small degrees of flexibility increase your chances of attracting and retaining a diverse talent pool.

Resources and Articles

56 entries found
Topic: Crisis Management

Better Managers Roadmap

The Better Managers Roadmap will help you navigate through for a successful return to the workplace with resources, top tips.

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Topic: Employment Landscape

What you think about WFH, flexible and hybrid working: the results are in

We’ve been tracking how managers feel about work, job satisfaction and hybrid working – the results reveal a new agenda item

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Topic: Flexibility

Thank God it’s Thursday! Busting the myths about the four-day week

As managers navigate returning to work post-Covid, we bust five myths about the four-day week

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Topic: Crisis Management

Deep Dive: The hidden problems of flexible work – and how to avoid them post-Covid

With the vaccination program steadily expanding and the end of lockdown on the horizon we ask: what’s next?

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Topic: Workplace Culture

Deep dive: Seven rules for ‘hybrid’ remote and office working

When we do finally return to workplaces and offices, managers and leaders should learn these effective lessons

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Topic: Workplace Culture

Covid-19 may achieve the impossible: it might make us fall back in love with the office

Managing remote workforces comes with challenges and upsides – but is a surprising outcome that we appreciate the office?

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Topic: Flexibility

When Microsoft changed its leadership culture

The fascinating transition from Steve Ballmer’s high-octane leadership style to Satya Nadella’s partnership-cent

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Topic: Flexibility

Deep Dive: A Virtual Leadership Masterclass

Adopt these five proven traits to overcome remote working challenges!

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Topic: Flexibility

Overcoming the big five challenges of managing remote teams

Remote work is only an obstacle when seeing it the wrong way. Here’s a few ways you can make it work for you, not against you

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Topic: Flexibility

Digital, flexible, staggered: the inside story of the new workplace

Companies everywhere are reviewing their flexible working policies as they grapple with the new normal. We spoke to Buzzfeed

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Topic: Flexibility

Lessons in crisis management: don’t follow the herd

“I actively try not to make decisions based on what others were doing”. How experienced leaders confront a crisis situation

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Topic: Flexibility

Should flexible working be a day-one right?

For years, CMI has made the case for flexible working in the UK to be more widely adopted. Now’s the time for real action

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