Flexible working

Flexible working makes good business sense. If implemented well, it can boost the attraction, retention, progression, and well-being of people.


Flexible Working Guidance

As part of the Government's Flexible Working Taskforce, we’re joining Working Families to ask employers to use the Happy to Talk Flexible Working strapline and logo when recruiting.

Guide to Flexible Working

Champion Flexible Working

As a leader you should embrace Flexible Working - flexible working is good for people, for business, and for the economy. Even small degrees of flexibility increase your chances of attracting and retaining a diverse talent pool.

Resources and Articles

56 entries found
Topic: Governance

Management in a crisis: derisking supply chains

With supply chains across the world enduring shortages and delays, is your supply chain prepared for the unexpected?

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Topic: Personal Development

Dinosaurs vs dolphins: be distinct or go extinct

A manager’s mindset is vital to success. And there’s only one type that has the ability to make a splash…

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Topic: Workplace Culture

Should you let remote employees work remotely abroad? You decide

Flexible working has become the norm for many office workers. But it begs the question: just how flexible can you be?

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Topic: Governance

Three big change management wins from the Covid pandemic

Organisations across the globe have had to innovate to survive during the pandemic. For some, it has meant big changes

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Topic: Personal Development

“What we have witnessed is Servant Leadership at its best”

CMI’s chair in Malaysia gives a moving account of the recent natural disaster there and the leadership lessons learned

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Topic: Governance

Are you ready for a four-day work week?

More and more companies are adopting or piloting a four-day working week for the same pay. Can it work? And if so, how?

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Topic: Productivity

Five questions to ask yourself about effective hybrid working

Under-management. ‘In crowds’. Alienation. A group of UK business leaders explain how they’re managing some of the negatives

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Topic: Productivity

Five compelling reasons to go back to the office

The office is not dead, it’s very much alive. “If you want a career, go to the office – if you want a job, stay at home”

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Topic: Personal Development

How to lead when managing competing priorities

The situation is chaotic. Everyone’s stressed. Where does your duty lie: to the task, the team or the individual?

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Topic: Workplace Culture

How to be creative in a pandemic

The secret, says this renowned creative agency leader, are “low-pressure moments” and bringing offline and online experiences

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Topic: Flexibility

“By going virtual, I cut expenses by 38% and employees by 0%”

To get the benefits of a geographically dispersed team, you need a new set of skills – and a new outlook

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

How can business lead the way in supporting mid-life women?

Women in mid-life are managing work, menopause and caring responsibilities. Employers need to step up to meet their needs in

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