Knowledge and Insights

Welcome to CMI’s knowledge and insights hub. Here you’ll find practical guidance and resources to help you with the challenges managers face on a daily basis.

The hub is also home to our cutting-edge research and policy work, keeping you at the forefront of the discussions happening in the management profession.

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2120 entries found
Topic: Personal Development

Deep Resilience

Gain an understanding of how resilience equates to mental toughness and how best to deal with emotional pain and suffering.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

The Big Challenges for a Better Future

Learn about what employers must do to support women impacted by the pandemic.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Better Work Culture

Microaggressions can affect people’s mental health and obstruct any efforts to create inclusive work environments.

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Topic: Productivity

‘A management crisis’: The five key insights from CMI’s new report with the IoD

In light of the Budget announcement, CMI and the Institute of Directors’ joint research report shows how to bolster recovery

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Topic: Crisis Management

‘No jab, no job’: a big dose of management challenges

As restrictions start to lift and workplaces plan for reopening, managers face complex questions around employees’ Covid jabs

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Topic: Employment Landscape

Four outtakes from National Apprenticeship Week 2021

“You can get anywhere with an apprenticeship”. How doing a management apprenticeship can fire up your career

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Topic: Personal Development

Why become a Chartered Management Consultant?

Five ChMCs explain the value of becoming chartered. Be prepared to feel inspired!

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Topic: Crisis Management

“When you have to act, act quick”: Leading from uncertainty to recovery

Don’t try to forecast what happens next, because you can’t. Instead, think of scenarios. Here’s a how-to guide

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Are you on the edge of ‘the glass cliff’?

At times of crisis, it’s female leaders who are more likely to step up – and then risk harsh judgement

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Topic: Governance

There is gold in the Welsh valleys – The future now

Discussing the key issues in Wales, the challenges post-Brexit and alignment with the Government.

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Topic: Change Management

Leading Through Uncertainty

Learn how to handle the unknown with ease whilst empowering yourself, your workforce and your peers.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Reversing the shocking lack of diversity in Further Education

Improving the representation of ethnically diverse leaders in the further education sector will help rebuild the economy

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Influencing Management Practice

CMI’s mission is to increase the number and standard of professionally qualified managers. One way we deliver on this mission is to create industry-leading insights and resources, and make them accessible to the widest possible audience.

Within the knowledge and insights hub you’ll find resources which provide immediate guidance on the issues managers face everyday, and insights from inspiring leaders innovating in every sector and industry.

Research and Thought Leadership

Our research is helping managers understand what they can do to improve performance and productivity.

Campaigning and Advocacy

Learn about how CMI represents the views of UK managers and leaders at every level of national policy-making.