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CMI Highlights – 6 December
CMI’s 2023 award-winners revealed. Plus, better management practices for insecure workers and public sector managers
Five highlights from the 2023 CMI President’s Dinner
The evidence about good and bad management; the new CMI president; and all the 2023 award-winners
Dame Anne Richards DBE: Why your career is like a river
CMI’s 2023 Lifetime Achievement award-winner explains her approach to leadership – and why trust is the greatest gift
Fiona Dawson: “My imperative is around breaking down barriers for people”
CMI’s new president Fiona Dawson CBE CMgr CCMI on good and bad management and the leaders who inspired her
James Timpson OBE: “Business success depends on the happiness of our colleagues”
An upside-down leadership style bagged the CEO of Timpson the CMI Gold Medal
CMI Volunteer of the Year 2023: “It’s a chance for you to grow as a person”
Kirsty Watson CMgr FCMI has been volunteering since she was 14. She says helping other people is more important than ever
Management Apprenticeships in Action
CMI sets out a vision for a positive reform agenda to raise productivity and deliver economic growth.
CMI Highlights – 15 November
It’s conference season! Plus, CMI releases its latest research around insecure work and celebrates 10,000 new apprentices
My top five takeaways about CMI’s progress in Asia
Ann Francke OBE reflects on her recent trip to Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong
CMI Hong Kong: updates from the board
CMI Hong Kong updates us on areas of interest – including new methods of virtual teaching, new partnerships, and more!
Updates from the CMI Sri Lanka Board
CMI events, new management ideas and how you can master digital transformation – read the updates from CMI Sri Lanka here
Bigger and better: The power of the growth mindset
CMgr of the Year nominee Harish Kathiresan scored £18m in funding for innovative ideas to transform the water sector

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