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394 entries found
Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

How to manage work-related insecurity and anxiety

As Coronavirus takes hold, stress and anxiety are becoming a part of everyday life. Managers can make a positive difference

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Topic: Crisis Management

Why humour should be taken seriously in leadership

With Coronavirus rates increasing and many regions under social restrictions, is there still room for humour in leadership?

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Topic: Governance

Only 7% of FTSE CEOs are women – that’s bonkers

Despite evidence that proves a link between good representation of women at senior levels and strong financial performance

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Topic: Governance

We’ve gone platinum…

CMI were recently awarded Investors in People Platinum status. Here are some responses from the CMI team on this accolade

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Topic: Governance

Why we need ruthless compassion

Now more than ever, looking after our team means going above and beyond. We need to be compassionate and check in with them

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Leaders eat last!

Education leaders face a specific set of challenges in keeping schools and universities going at a confusing time

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Topic: Employment Landscape

The road to 2021: what’s the mood of CMI members?

A deep-dive into the latest CMI member poll shows several intriguing trends

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Topic: Flexibility

Life of a Lone Ranger: What makes or breaks the solo self-employed?

Two solo self-employed experts tell us what to watch out for when working this way during a tough time for job security

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Topic: Governance

CMI’s Submission to Comprehensive Spending Review 2020

Our submission argues for a clearer and more coherent approach to adult skills and retraining

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Topic: Governance

How Covid-19 shifted thinking about sustainability

Organisations had to pivot just to survive. Short-term thinking dominated. Can we now turn our attention back to the climate?

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Topic: Crisis Management

A wake-up call for the west – 13 ways we can reverse our decline

A powerful new book debates how the Coronavirus pandemic has exposed weaknesses in western leadership and proposes solutions

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Topic: Disability

Let’s say it straight: we have a disability blind spot

If almost one in five of our working age population are disabled, where are the disabled members of ftse-350 boards?

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