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“Mid-life for women is where ageism meets sexism”
Senior women nurture workforces, and have the clout to force change – so why are many organisations dispensing with them?
Are you a supportive manager? You should be…
Research finds that the people most affected by the pandemic – young and low-skilled workers – are most in need of support
The state of the nation: mental health in decline
Kooth used their unique position to provide insights into the pandemic’s impact on mental wellbeing – here are their findings
Pivoting in the pandemic: How inspirational women have thrived and inspired others throughout Covid-19
Meet the inspiring women who have started and expanded their own businesses during lockdown
Be a big-picture leader: ten ideas that will shape tomorrow
We boiled down the 2021 CMI Management Book of the Year shortlist to these ten insights…
What you think about WFH, flexible and hybrid working: the results are in
We’ve been tracking how managers feel about work, job satisfaction and hybrid working – the results reveal a new agenda item
Are you leading with practical empathy?
In a conversation with Judge Magnus, we explore the must-have qualities of those looking to be #BetterManagers
The future of managers in an ever-polarized world
Managers need to be anchors in an unsettled sea – without them, we become untethered to what’s important for our organisation
Chartered Management Consultant: ‘The bar is set high – for a reason’
The new Chartered Management Consultant (ChMC) award, developed by CMI and the MCA, is showcasing brilliant consultants
The Rise and Fall of the European Super League – 6 key lessons for leaders everywhere
Much has been said about the ill-fated project to create a breakaway football league for Europe’s elite football clubs
Post-Covid leadership: a critical perspective
We need leaders for the times – but with so much change over the past year, what does good management look like?
Management consultancy: what good looks like
As we emerge from the pandemic, many organisations will need assurance that they’re engaging with high-quality consultants

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