In this section you’ll find opinions and policy insights from exceptional managers, who are leading the national conversation about management practice.

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What’s the truth behind authenticity?
More than 2,000 people answered our poll – and the results might make you reflect on your leadership style
CMI Highlights – 25 January 2023
CMI support for stress and anxiety and boosting your skills this new year – plus, MP thanks to CMI at Westminster Hall
Flawed leadership: Sauron’s five worst management mistakes
These are the five biggest management issues that led to the collapse of Mordor – don’t make the same errors
CMI Highlights – 18 January 2023
New year, new you! CMI discusses setting goals that stick, being authentic at work and staying flexible
CMI Highlights 2022
Here’s CMI’s news, events, updates from 2022 – all in one easy-to-find location
Recession and reinvention: two sides of the same coin?
History shows that recessions and economic downturns are the moment for reinvention. Are your clients ready for change?
What will be the defining leadership style of the 2020s?
Values-driven, courageous, adaptable: a group of CMI Companions discuss where modern leadership needs to be going
And the Chartered Management Consultant of the Year 2022 is…
Learn more about the inaugural award winner who was praised for her ability to deliver challenging programmes and coach teams
“Disability is something done to people, not a condition that people have”
A new CMI documentary explores how managers can (and must) reframe their mindset around disability
New data: where managers are most (and least) confident
We analysed initial data from the CMI Management Diagnostic tool – and discovered where managers see their own skills gaps
ESG: Leading the charge without impacting business performance
Discover six simple tools for leaders to deliver change without affecting profits
And the hot-button issue for management consultants is…
Speaking to consultants about the key challenges facing clients, one set of issues keeps coming up

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