
Apprentices, this is how to ace your End Point Assessment exam

Written by Dr Neel Sharma CMgr FCMI Tuesday 06 February 2024
Dr Neel Sharma CMgr FCMI of Cambridge University Hospitals recently completed his End Point Assessment with Distinction. Here, he shares his winning tips for the EPA exam…
A male student talking with his fellow female student

Having gone through numerous modules, essay writing, group work, thesis and portfolio preparation for the CMI Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership (EMBA) apprenticeship programme, the final stage rests on the End Point Assessment (EPA). It’s a two-hour oral assessment of your work-based project and portfolio. Whilst you may get told that the EPA will focus on these elements, two hours is a long time to be questioned, so it helps to go in with a plan. 

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Here are my tips to succeed at the End Point Assessment exam:

Want to explore some winning tips for your EPA?


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