
Watch the Video: Inside the Uk’s Most Inspirational Workplace

Thursday 08 November 2018
Barney hamilton, chief talent officer at bain & company, explains why the company is ranked top in the leadership and culture at work: the CMI/Glassdoor top 20
Brain and Company

Buses and taxis stand nose-to-tail on the Strand out front. A high-street bank sits on either side. Turnstiles and a reception desk confront visitors who enter the building. There’s nothing unique about the London HQ of management consultancy Bain & Company.

But let’s not kid ourselves. Behind Bain‘s understated appearance, old assumptions are being challenged, and conventional models and ways of working are being ditched. High-speed innovation, collaboration, and the blurring of work and personal life are just some of the new norms for the global firm.

In October, Bain & Company was ranked first in Leadership & Culture at Work: The CMI/Glassdoor Top 20. It led a list of high-performing companies rated on dimensions such as ‘CEO approval’, ‘culture’ and ‘values’.

In the video below, Barney Hamilton – chief talent officer at Bain & Company – explains how other businesses can emulate its success. He says Bain recruits extraordinary people, that teams are the defining unit of the global management consultancy. And that it’s still an apprenticeship business at heart.

Watch: How Bain & Company Created an Award-winning Culture

More about The CMI/Glassdoor Top 10v


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