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379 entries found
Topic: Productivity

Brexit and Employee Uncertainty: a First-steps Guide for Managers

What Can You Do to Be an Effective Brexit Manager?

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

How to settle workplace disputes: a legal mediator’s take

Dealing with conflicts and disputes in the office is one of the toughest tasks for a manager. Tips from professional mediator

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Topic: Productivity

Management transformed: 19 leaders you need to know about

Getting rid of bosses, setting up self-managing teams, removing digital clatter, 19 leadership ideas shaping your future.

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Topic: Productivity

From Atrophy to Outward-looking: Change Management and the UK Civil Service

Nowhere has the impact of change management been felt more than in the UK civil service

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Women in Leadership: Jacqui Smith on the Surprising Sources of Female Empowerment

Managers need to change the way they think of diversity and inclusion, says the UK’s first female home secretary

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Topic: Personal Development

How to Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is the reason you get job offers, win promotions and build meaningful professional connections.

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Topic: Productivity

The Unexpected Rise of the Everyday Leader

Adam Marshall, director general of the british chambers of commerce, in conversation with Ann Francke.

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Topic: Productivity

Never Knowingly Unproductive: Sir Charlie Mayfield on Workplace Productivity

Since the great financial crisis of 2007-2008, UK productivity levels have tanked.

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Topic: Productivity

How to Be More Entrepreneurial: Five Lessons for Your Company

CMI assembled a group of entrepreneurs to discuss bringing entrepreneurial thinking into mature organisations.

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Topic: Productivity

Ten Years at the Top: the Change Manager Changes… Himself

Paul Geddes shared lessons on leadership sell-by dates, selling a change narrative and modern hiring traits.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

#BalanceForBetter: Gender Pay Gap Reporting and the High Wire

Article: #BalanceForBetter: Gender Pay Gap Reporting and the High Wire Written by Ann Francke Share Share to Twitter Share to

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Topic: Productivity

Change Management: The Laing O’Rourke Story

Disruptive change has shaken up countless industries. the construction sector may be next

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