Features and Longer Reads

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When you’ve got a bit more time on your hands, check out CMI’s features and longer reads.

Still full of practical advice and cutting edge insight, these pieces are a little more detailed and will allow you to immerse yourself in one particular topic or theme.

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379 entries found
Topic: Equality and Diversity

The persistence of presenteeism and other nuanced nonsense

Work is still underpinned by unspoken codes. We can’t truly tackle inequalities in our workforce without challenging them

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

Time for some honest conversations

British Chambers of Commerce Adam Marshall assesses the government’s response to the Covid-19 crisis

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Topic: Crisis Management

Long Read: So, we failed – but let’s learn from it

Just-in-time left many organisations just-about-finished in the wake of Covid-19

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Topic: Governance

Why you need to change your conversational habits

Who are you talking to? Why them specifically? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to listen to some other voices too?

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Topic: Employability

Taking Up Space: A Black Girl’s Manifesto and University Guide

Two recent Cambridge graduates wrote Taking Up Space as a guide and a manifesto for young women entering university

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Topic: Governance

Long Read: Eight lessons from 2020s CMgrs of the year

CMI’s Chartered Manager of the Year Award shortlist always offers lessons in best practice for managers on every level

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Topic: Crisis Management

“We must resist the temptation to return to business as usual”

The Covid-19 disruption is nothing compared to the widespread upheaval we can anticipate if global heating goes unchecked

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Do you have a respect problem?

Do your team respect you? Do you respect them? Do you call out disrespectful behaviour when you see it?

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Topic: Employment Landscape

“I have to work better today than I did yesterday” – Dame Stephanie Shirley on the ‘new’ world of work

The pandemic has set workplace equality back by decades to a 1950s-style of living, warns top entrepreneur and philanthropist

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Topic: Flexibility

Long Read: How innovation works in Japan’s #1 internet firm

Fergal Downey, innovation guru at Japanese internet giant Rakuten, on how to enable innovation at incredible speed

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Topic: Crisis Management

Challenges and opportunities for students and learners

Every economic crisis brings deep challenges and opportunities for change – what does this look like for those in education?

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Topic: Governance

Do you have an authenticity gap?

You are honest and have integrity – no doubt. What you have to address are the inconsistencies that make you appear dishonest

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Group of people of all ages and cultures


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