Features and Longer Reads

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When you’ve got a bit more time on your hands, check out CMI’s features and longer reads.

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379 entries found
Topic: Governance

Six ways that better management benefits society

We mark CMI’s Investors in People ‘platinum’ status, and discuss the role of management in the post-Covid rebuilding process

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Topic: Crisis Management

Lessons in crisis management (from those who’ve lived it)

How did these leaders manage their way through the previous major crisis to hit the world – the financial crisis of 2007/08?

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Topic: Governance

Track-and-trace management: The crisis is not an opportunity to test it out

As we move into an era of homeworking and persistent safety concerns in offices, managers are debating tracking employees

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Topic: Crisis Management

“Identify your weak spots – and set about improving them”

This year’s CMI Gold Medal winner David Roberts reflects on how leadership is changing in the NHS

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Topic: Governance

How to provide your team with a sense of certainty

Having a cause gives people a reason to come to work every day.

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Topic: Crisis Management

Policing the crisis – a view from the top

The police have faced dual leadership challenges during the Covid-19 crisis, says the president of the Police Superintendents

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Topic: Crisis Management

Long Read: Rethinking boardrooms – the effects of Covid-19

The role of boards are more reactive; their outlook shortened to surviving the pandemic. Here are seven changes to boards…

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Topic: Crisis Management

How to kickstart your business after a downturn: insights from the best

Many organisations will have had a torrid few months. Rebuilding isn’t easy. Here are people who could help…

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

How to fight inequality – and why that fight needs you

The paradox of inequality is that the more we recognise its existence the less we seem to do to reduce it. How can we change?

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Topic: Crisis Management

“You can’t run a creative business when you can’t invite audiences in”

We ask the CEO of Shakespeare’s Globe and CCO of Creative England about Covid-19 challenges how creatives can recover

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Topic: Governance

How to tell if you’re giving off good energy

Leaders who have energy and passion transfer these to their followers. So, do you have the right energy for your role?

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Topic: Crisis Management

Management in a mixed economy: five new rules for leaders

Many people working routinely at home. Rota systems. Half-in, half-out. The new ‘mixed economy’ presents many new challenges.

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Group of people of all ages and cultures


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