Digital Events Library

Build or refresh your skills with the best of our past events and webinars on-demand

From practical, skills-focused development webinars, to the industry-leading insights of our Better Managers Briefings with CMI CEO, Ann Francke, we’ve hand-picked this library of our best past digital events for you to watch at your leisure.

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187 entries found
Topic: Flexibility

Building Resilience in a Changing World

Join us for tips and techniques for building personal resilience in an ever-evolving world.

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Topic: Personal Development

In Conversation with Simon Cyhanko; his journey to CMgr of the year

A conversation around Simon’s career and journey to become CMI Chartered Manager of the Year 2021.

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Topic: Crisis Management

Deep Dive into Finance

During this digital event we will consider effective leadership across several countries in the Asia Pacific Region.

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Topic: Crisis Management

Women in Leadership: Scaling up business in Wales

Navigating the challenges of scaling up can be a difficult process.

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Topic: Productivity

Balancing working and life

A practical workshop on how to maintain a good work-life balance.

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Topic: Governance

The hidden cost of culture in mergers & acquisitions

This event will delve into the cultural challenges organisations experience when they merge or are acquired.

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Topic: Personal Development

Chartered Manager…20 years on

Celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the Chartered Manager accolade with our past Chartered Manager of the Year winners.

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Topic: Crisis Management

Decision Making in Uncertain Times

Effective decision-making allows you to open your mind and deepens your awareness of the kinds of problems we face.

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Topic: Workplace Culture

Managing Pressure and presence at work

How do women manage pressure and presence at work?

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

New Year New Me: Part 4

Explore theory and practises to help us shift our level of consciousness to cope better with work and life.

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Topic: Personal Development

Growth: Building a successful consultancy in the digital age

How can you successfully grow a consulting firm? How do you maximise the value of your consultancy for an exit or investment?

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

New Year New Me: Part 3

A session exploring consciousness, self-awareness, and deep listening.

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

New Year New Me: Part 2

Observe your inner world, shift your perspective, and take a moment to breathe using meditation.

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

New Year New Me

Series events exploring theory and practises to help shift our level of consciousness to cope better with work and life.

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Topic: Change Management

Balancing Responsibilities in a Hybrid World

Discuss the challenges faced and overcome in relation to hybrid working.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Educate and Empower: Addressing the Gender Pay Gap

Explore the causes and implications of the Gender Pay Gap and what businesses are doing to address the issue.

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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

35 entries found
Topic: Menopause

Change for the Better

The key aspects to be considered by organisations to best support their workforce through the menopause.

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Topic: Menopause

Menopause, and the workplace

How menopause friendly is your organisation? Understand what you can do to help and how.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Raising Awareness & Skills

The impact raising awareness, knowledge and skills has on race equity, inclusion and business performance.

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Topic: Gender

The broken talent pipeline: what next for women over 50?

Find out how managers and leaders can best support women over 50 in their careers.

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