Digital Events Library

Build or refresh your skills with the best of our past events and webinars on-demand

From practical, skills-focused development webinars, to the industry-leading insights of our Better Managers Briefings with CMI CEO, Ann Francke, we’ve hand-picked this library of our best past digital events for you to watch at your leisure.

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187 entries found
Topic: Ethnicity

Fireside Chat with Dr Elizabeth Shaw of 1000 Black Voices

A discussion on the importance of adopting a culture centred around equality, diversity and inclusion in the work.

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Topic: Neurodiversity

Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace

How can managers and workplaces support and embrace neurodiversity?

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Topic: Governance

Embedding Sustainability Principles into your Consultancy Practice

Learn about the concepts of sustainability and what they mean for your business.

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Topic: Change Management

Managing Change: No Dramas Please

The art of forming high-performance teams in film, theatre and TV. ‘Show Business’ really does mean business.

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Topic: Productivity

Followership: The Critical Basis for Team Success

What is ‘followership’ and how does it determine your team’s performance?

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Topic: Crisis Management

Challenging Times, Difficult Decisions: A Leadership Perspective

We will explore the factors leaders should consider, lessons learned and best practice, and take a look at leadership perspec

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Topic: Productivity

The Everyone Economy: The launch of CMI’s 75th Anniversary Plan for sharing opportunity and success

Explore how we can deliver a productive economy and inclusive workforce for everyone.

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Topic: Crisis Management

Resolving Team Conflict

Find out how you can resolve and prevent any conflict you may face in the workplace.

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Topic: Governance

Underestimate the impact of ethical practice at your peril

Explore the impact of ethical practice.

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Topic: Disability

Disability in the Workplace: Attracting and Retaining Talent

Explore how leaders and managers can effectively support and manage people with disabilities and long term health conditions.

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Topic: Employability

Entrepreneurship in this New World

What does entrepreneurship really mean in the wake of the pandemic?

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

Negotiation Tips and Techniques: Balancing the Deal

How good are your negotiation skills? Practical tips and techniques to help you get things done.

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Topic: Employment Landscape

The Great Resignation or the Great Rethink

Why is the Great Resignation happening and what is the impact for both businesses and individuals?

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Topic: Governance

CMI Women Conference 2022 – Leadership after Covid: The Opportunity and ambition

Check out the CMI Women Conference 2022: Leadership after covid, the opportunity and ambition.

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Topic: Employability

Workforce for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Explore the kinds of skills we should pursue to suit future needs.

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Tackling the pay and pension gap: current issues and new ways of working

Discuss the impact of maternity, menopause, and other issues affecting pay for both women and men.

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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

35 entries found
Topic: Equality and Diversity

Educate and Empower: Addressing the Gender Pay Gap

Explore the causes and implications of the Gender Pay Gap and what businesses are doing to address the issue.

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Topic: Menopause

Brain Fog, Flushes & Frustrations: Menopause – Supporting the women we work with through their careers

Menopause can impact women’s progression in to leadership roles. Learn how managers can support their staff through this.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Let’s Talk About Inclusion in the Workplace

Explore the importance of inclusion, in particular socio-economic diversity.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Has the Pandemic reset EDI to factory settings?

Learn how to make your workplace more equitable and diverse

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