Digital Events Library

Build or refresh your skills with the best of our past events and webinars on-demand

From practical, skills-focused development webinars, to the industry-leading insights of our Better Managers Briefings with CMI CEO, Ann Francke, we’ve hand-picked this library of our best past digital events for you to watch at your leisure.

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187 entries found
Topic: Equality and Diversity

P&G Alumni Women Authors

Explore how gender imbalance in book publishing has impacted the perception and visibility of women in business.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

The Leading Issue: Dame Sharon White

Explore what good leadership looks like and the progress that is still required for women within leadership.

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Topic: Productivity

Managing Resources

Gain the tools and knowledge you need to effectively manage demands and maximise resources.

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Topic: Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity in the workplace: Embracing the strengths of individuals

Discover the benefits of neurodiversity in the workplace and best practice to direct your approach to neuro-inclusion.

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Topic: Support and Wellbeing

Wellbeing in the workplace: Nurturing bright ideas

Discover how to create a happier, healthier workplace.

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Topic: Communication

Building Relationships & Networks

Explore how to get the most from your networks, the effectiveness of online networking and building effective relationships.

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Topic: Personal Development

Becoming Chartered: In conversation with Captain Allan Youp RN CMgr FCMI

Discover how Chartered Manager status can boost your management and leadership capabilities and enhance career development

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Topic: Gender

CMI Women – Social mobility: Take action and boost opportunity

Expand your knowledge of social mobility and gain practical advice for your organisation.

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Breaking Barriers: in conversation with Professor Dilshad Sheikh CMBE CMgr CCMI

Identify opportunities that you can utilise for career development and success.

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Topic: Personal Development

An evening with John Pepper in conversation with Ann Francke

Join John Pepper and Anne Francke as they explore key challenges shaping the careers of today’s trailblazers.

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Topic: Employability

Employability Audit: Get ready to get ahead

Learn the key elements required to be more successful in your current role or to get ahead in your next role.

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Men’s Mental Health: Cultivating Empathetic Leadership

Discover the value of empathetic leadership in order to raise awareness of the challenges facing men’s mental health.

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Topic: Employability

Secure your Dream Job in Times of Uncertainty

Discover the valuable steps you should take to earn that dream role in an unstable job market.

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Topic: Crisis Management

Leading through crisis

Explore key lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic that can allow you to be a resourceful crisis leader in 2022 and beyond.

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11 Idioms Consultants should think differently about

Enhance your knowledge of effective communication when it comes to applying idioms in different business contexts.

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Topic: Gender

Gender pay gap: What companies must do to attract and retain female talent

Learn why addressing the pay gap issue is important for the representation and engagement in your company.

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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

35 entries found
Topic: Gender

Gender pay gap: What companies must do to attract and retain female talent

Learn why addressing the pay gap issue is important for the representation and engagement in your company.

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Topic: Ethnicity

Fireside Chat with Dr Elizabeth Shaw of 1000 Black Voices

A discussion on the importance of adopting a culture centred around equality, diversity and inclusion in the work.

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Topic: Neurodiversity

Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace

How can managers and workplaces support and embrace neurodiversity?

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Topic: Disability

Disability in the Workplace: Attracting and Retaining Talent

Explore how leaders and managers can effectively support and manage people with disabilities and long term health conditions.

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