Consultation Response:

Business Productivity Review

Friday 06 July 2018

Improving management and leadership is key to solving the productivity puzzle and critical to our economic success. Read our response to the Government's call for evidence on how to improve business productivity.


“I was adding more layers to the leadership experience I already had”

What the University of Exeter’s Duncan Tarrel CMgr MCMI learned on his Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship

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“They don’t just want a degree, they want to make a difference”

Why the University of Exeter’s Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship programme attracts professionals from across the world

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How I developed an interactive reporting dashboard for the NHS

Mark Cardnell FCMI describes how he created a dashboard management system declared “an outstanding practice”

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Topic: Employee Engagement

Quiet quitting among new-generation employees in poor and developing countries: implications for employers

The urgent steps employers must take at a time of rising dissatisfaction and disengagement

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