CEO's Blog

Read the latest thoughts, analysis, and observations from CMI's Chief Executive, Ann Francke OBE.

213 entries found
Topic: Flexibility

“By going virtual, I cut expenses by 38% and employees by 0%”

To get the benefits of a geographically dispersed team, you need a new set of skills – and a new outlook

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Why do men win at work?

While many employers invest in developing their best female talent, that attention is still not translating into appointments

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Topic: Employability

The seven attributes you’ll need in a world of hybrid work

These are the critical competencies that the modern manager needs

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Burnt out? Here’s how to feel better

It’s okay not to feel okay. These tips and techniques really could help to address work stress and beat burn out

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Topic: Workplace Culture

Why do so many third-sector organisations fail?

Because they don’t have systems in place to demonstrate their value, says this CMI Companion.

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

How can business lead the way in supporting mid-life women?

Women in mid-life are managing work, menopause and caring responsibilities. Employers need to step up to meet their needs in

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Topic: Productivity

Overworking: how to stop being married to your job

Are you married to your work? Struggling to meet new people? You’re not alone. But this young business owner has some advice

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Topic: Employment Landscape

“Some of my expectations were spot on and others were polar opposite”

We spend a day in the life of a corporate private investigator and look at the skills needed to serve both teams and clients

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Managing a talented and diverse team under pressure can be challenging

Gareth Southgate has shown us what inclusive leadership looks like, and we as fans need to keep that in mind.

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Topic: Employment Landscape

The talent-retaining role you need in your organisation

Here’s why NOT having a head of employee experience is costing your business more than just employee turnover…

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