Read the latest thoughts, analysis, and observations from CMI's Chief Executive, Ann Francke OBE.
“It changed my life”: The power of the Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship
Chris Lovell CMgr MCMI shares how an apprenticeship can “open closed doors” in your career
The “massive shock” of being named Chartered Manager of the Year
How one CMgr responded when work life was undermining her health
Leading in adult education: “Chartered status helped me verify my skills”
The principal of an adult education institute on “doing more with less” and how CMI membership has helped him
“A dedication to lifelong learning and good management”
Meet one of the pioneers of professional management and leadership
Employer or employee – who’s responsible for value creation?
Both employers and employees play their part in increasing the value of the organisation, explains Taranjeet Singh CMgr CCMI
Emergency healthcare in crisis: how managers can help services back to their feet
The ongoing decline of the UK’s emergency healthcare provision may leave its managers feeling powerless – here’s how to help
My top five takeaways about CMI’s progress in Asia
Ann Francke OBE reflects on her recent trip to Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong
CMI Hong Kong: updates from the board
CMI Hong Kong updates us on areas of interest – including new methods of virtual teaching, new partnerships, and more!
CMI Malaysia: updates from the board
The latest events, ideas and updates from CMI Malaysia
Updates from the CMI Sri Lanka Board
CMI events, new management ideas and how you can master digital transformation – read the updates from CMI Sri Lanka here