CEO's Blog

Read the latest thoughts, analysis, and observations from CMI's Chief Executive, Ann Francke OBE.

213 entries found
Topic: Personal Development

Could Emotional Intelligence Be the Biggest Lesson of the World Cup?

The England football team showed us how to be resilient in four steps

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Topic: Productivity

How to Be a Better Leader According to Science

These are the leadership traits shown by good managers according to research

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Topic: Productivity

This is Why Flexible Working Benefits Businesses

From specialist knowledge to keeping costs down, here are some of the reasons why employers need flexible working

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Topic: Personal Development

4 Surprising Confidence Hacks for New Managers

Psychological flaws are sabotaging your confidence at work – here’s how to overcome them

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Topic: Productivity

The Evolution of Change: Why Things Need to Be Done Differently

John Kotter revolutionised change management with his book Leading change, but is it time for a fresh outlook?

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

How Managers Can Help Combat Workplace Stress

Mental health problems are on the rise, here’s how to deal with it in your workforce

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Topic: Personal Development

The Five-minute Management Idea: Emotional Intelligence

A weekly shot of new-thinking for business leaders: use emotions to power success

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Topic: Employability

In Recruitment, if You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get

You can’t hire the right candidate if you don’t ask the right questions – above all, ‘do they share our values?’

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Topic: Productivity

7 Ways to Improve Your Resilience – Immediately

Fatigue and worry are commonplace in the workplace. Extreme forms of stress require you and your team to change behaviours.

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Topic: Productivity

Who Will Be the Next Winner in the Digital Evolution?

Phase 3 of the digital evolution is upon us.We’ll see faster adoption of technologies and a higher impact as they are adopted

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