CEO's Blog

Read the latest thoughts, analysis, and observations from CMI's Chief Executive, Ann Francke OBE.

213 entries found
Topic: Employment Landscape

Emergency healthcare in crisis: how managers can help services back to their feet

The ongoing decline of the UK’s emergency healthcare provision may leave its managers feeling powerless – here’s how to help

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My top five takeaways about CMI’s progress in Asia

Ann Francke OBE reflects on her recent trip to Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong

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CMI Hong Kong: updates from the board

CMI Hong Kong updates us on areas of interest – including new methods of virtual teaching, new partnerships, and more!

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CMI Malaysia: updates from the board

The latest events, ideas and updates from CMI Malaysia

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Topic: Crisis Management

Updates from the CMI Sri Lanka Board

CMI events, new management ideas and how you can master digital transformation – read the updates from CMI Sri Lanka here

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Topic: Employment Landscape

To hire internally or externally? That is the question

Should you develop one of your team, or bring in new talent from outside? This CMgr helps you decide

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Topic: Productivity

Are managers equipped to solve the UK’s poor productivity?

Not quite, thinks Dr Hugh Billot MCMI. Discover his five tools to enhance your company’s productivity

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Topic: Personal Development

Why just being vulnerable won’t cut it

Leaders and managers are told to show their human side. It’s certainly a powerful tool – as long as you remember to lead too

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Topic: Change Management

Three attributes all leaders need to survive in the age of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is the fastest-growing app in the world with unprecedented power. Avoid it, and you risk being a “casualty” of AI

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Topic: Communication

Informal networks: Strategies for middle managers to boost their influence

Leadership just got harder. It’s not just about brains and emotional intelligence, PQ is key to building a trusted network

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