CEO's Blog

Read the latest thoughts, analysis, and observations from CMI's Chief Executive, Ann Francke OBE.

268 entries found
Topic: Crisis Management

A wake-up call for the west – 13 ways we can reverse our decline

A powerful new book debates how the Coronavirus pandemic has exposed weaknesses in western leadership and proposes solutions

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

“I can’t do this anymore” – What happens when we burn out?

Classified as an ‘occupational phenomenon’ by the World Health Organization, what actually happens when we burn out?

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Topic: Employability

“My energy is limited, and it’s always better to focus on the positive things”

Magid Magid, the youngest mayor of Sheffield, gives us an insight into how he built his resilience

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Topic: Crisis Management

“Covid-19 taught me to throw caution to the wind”

This Chartered Manager tells us how their military history helped inform their immediate decisions during the crisis

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

the best time ever to go to the gym?

Here’s the Truth About the Connection Between Physical Exercise and Mental Health and Performance at Work…

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Topic: Crisis Management

Working in the new normal: The future is here and there is no going back

Life as we know it has been altered – some changes will be permanent. There is simply no going back to ‘before’

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Topic: Employability

Taking Up Space: A Black Girl’s Manifesto and University Guide

Two recent Cambridge graduates wrote Taking Up Space as a guide and a manifesto for young women entering university

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Topic: Crisis Management

Overseas Crisis Management: How did Covid-19 affect CMI Hong Kong?

We talk to the CMI Chair of the Hong Kong board to find out how the crisis has unfolded to see what we can learn

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

Little things you can do to look after your mental health

When you’re going through a difficult time and it’s affecting your work, there are some small adjustments that can help

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Topic: Governance

Why do we exist?

Covid-19 is causing boards to tackle the most fundamental questions. to dig into the changing views around corporate purpose.

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