Your go-to resource for managing and leading through Brexit

As the Brexit transition period comes to an end, check out our resources for leading through new challenges and opportunities.

From January 2021, the UK will have a new relationship with the European Union, which will result in different regulations when trading and working with Europe.  CMI’s Brexit Hub is here to provide practical guidance to support managers in leading their teams and organisation through this change.

The Government’s “Check, Change, Go” information campaign aims to set out the actions that businesses and individuals need to take to prepare for the end of the transition period, including an online checker tool.

Through regular engagement with our members, CMI continues to collect evidence on managers’ preparedness for Brexit, and regularly shares this insight with policy-makers to inform national policy.

CMI Brexit Teach-In

On 7th December, CMI held an interactive webinar where we explored the behaviours, skills and knowledge that managers need as the UK leaves the EU.

Revisit our Brexit Teach-In to hear what the experts had to say on the realities of deal vs no deal, the principles of communication and change management that will be crucial in 2021, and the styles of leadership which you don't want in the room.

Management and Leadership Brexit Resources

CMI’s Brexit Hub has been designed as a resource portal to help you navigate these new challenges to create business continuity and help you to manage change; calculate and manage risk; and communicate effectively with your teams.

The resources here are accessible to both CMI Members as well as our non-members. They draw on the key Brexit challenges our Members have outlined and offer insight and advice from industry leaders at the frontline of management.

996 entries found
Topic: Equality and Diversity

Women Rank Better On These Leadership Traits

These are the real differences between male and female managers

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Topic: Productivity

Overcoming The Brexit Collaboration Challenge

Having teams that are set up to collaborate efficiently will ease post-brexit reorganisation and scrambling

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Sponsorship and mentoring for BAME women

Sponsorship and mentoring for BAME women

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Topic: Personal Development

Take This Step to Fast Track Your Career

One expert believes that professional qualifications are the secret to remaining relevant in your career and market

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

How Personal Sponsorship Could Progress Your Career

Coaches ask questions. Sponsors talk about you. CMIs women event demonstrated vividly the impact of effective sponsorship

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Topic: Productivity

Your pressing management questions answered

Are company references a thing of the past? How do you manage across borders? And is an office romance ever a good idea?

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

Bullying in the Workplace is on the Increase

In anti-bullying week, the founder of the national bullying helpline advises managers how to conquer workplace harassment

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Topic: Productivity

50 Business Leaders Have Just Been Given Awards for Kindness – Here’s Why It’s Important

International Kindness Day: 50 Business Leaders Have Shown Kindness Boosts Business Performance

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