
What’s your best advice for delivering successful consulting projects?

Written by Simon Haslam Monday 27 July 2020
Do You Want to Contribute to This Exciting New Book Project for the Icmci? Find Out How to Get in Involved Here!

In my role as Chair of ICMCI Academic Fellows, I'm leading the production of the new ICMCI book on Consultancy Skills.

This is an exciting new project for the ICMCI. The book will be globally relevant and practical. It will be produced in physical forms. It is based on ISO 20700:2017 and CMC competencies. The book will cover four main areas:

  1. How to win clients
  2. How to deliver successful consulting projects
  3. How to build a consulting business
  4. How to develop your skills and capabilities as a consultant

The content of the book will be based on practical experience of people in the ICMCI community. As well as seeking input from ICMCI board members, I will look for involvement from every IMC, the ICMCI Academic Fellows, and the wider group of CMCs.

This is a commercial venture for the ICMCI, all proceeds will go into the ICMCI. Any person whose contribution is included in the book, will get a credit in the book and free copy of the book in digital form.

ICMCI Chair, Dwight Mihalicz CMC®, encourages your contributions in order to give visibility to our IMCs in our publication.

The Immediate Request

Please would you send me the best piece of advice you have about delivering successful consulting projects. Somewhere between 50 and 200 words is fine. Email me directly with your replies

To give you an example, my piece of advice to consultants is:

Be prepared to go beyond the scope of your contract for your client. In project management 'scope creep' is considered a bad thing, but in consulting work being willing to do more for your client, to go the extra mile, helps build the client relationship and your firms reputation. To do this will place extra pressure on your your consulting project time-wise and perhaps financially, so plan for it to happen. It may be the most effective marketing you do.


Simon Haslam

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