
Dual accreditation provides “so much more value”, says Solent University student Alex

Written by Dave Waller Tuesday 23 July 2024
Alex Baughan looked set to go straight into the family business, but a last-minute decision to pursue a CMI dual-accredited degree at Solent University has broadened his possibilities
Alex Baughan at the Solent University graduation

Alex Baughan may only be 21, but he’s already an old hand at business. As a child growing up in a family of entrepreneurs – his father runs a successful garage in Crawley, West Sussex – he would make websites and plan businesses for fun, just to see how they’d run in theory. 

He was soon doing it for real, selling watches and car parts, and he now runs a successful company remapping cars – tuning their performance by installing new software on their onboard computers.

“This is my first time really running a business properly,” says Alex, who runs his venture out of one of his dad’s units. “My dad and I practise cross-platform boosting. We leverage each other’s client base. I see running a business as a passion, not a chore. It's what I enjoy doing.”

With all that practical business experience under the bonnet, Alex was all set to follow his father into the family business. But the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic forced a hairpin turn. Alex made a “last minute” decision to go to university – enrolling on the CMI dual-accredited Business Management degree at Solent University. 

Read more: why Alex chose a dual-accredited degree


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