
“CMI courses give people the courage to push their own limits”

Written by Dave Waller Tuesday 09 July 2024
Education manager Sumbal Manzoor CMgr FCMI shares how CMI has been pivotal in helping her find her true calling. Now, as a Chartered Manager assessor, she’s paying it forward.
Sumbal Manzoor CMgr FCMI

As a CMI-accredited trainer and assessor, Sumbal Manzoor CMgr FCMI has encountered many accidental managers seeking proper leadership tools and techniques. But she says that even the most experienced managers derive great value in what they learn with CMI. She recalls one “brilliant” executive in a multinational corporation who gained Chartered status earlier this year, despite a gruelling global travel schedule. 

“He said afterwards that those learnings were the most valuable of all his experiences,” says Sumbal. 

“He added that the process made him more reflective. He’d come to see the capabilities of his middle managers and senior managers in a different light, and he could now be consistent in supporting them so they’d keep developing too.”

Continual improvement with Kaizen

This idea of continual improvement has been a guiding light for Sumbal’s career. She studied for the CMI Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership Practice in 2016, describing it as “a pivotal step… the most impactful of all my academic experiences, including an MBA”.

Read on: how Sumbal revamped a university’s distance learning provision


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