
“Before CMI, my management lacked empathy”

Written by Annie Makoff-Clark Friday 27 September 2024
Having left the military, Chartered Manager of the Week Ryan Hume CMgr FCMI decided to seek formal management accreditation. CMI has given him the confidence and framework to lead with integrity and drive lasting change
Image: Ryan Hume

Ryan Hume CMgr FCMI embarked on his journey with CMI knowing he had to adjust his leadership style.

Straight after his GCSEs, Ryan entered the military, where he worked a six-year stint as an engineer before returning to civilian life and building up management experience in the telecoms and rail industries. 

The military is hierarchical, and the management training Ryan had been exposed to focused on a command-and-obey style of management. 

“I knew my own leadership style needed adapting for my post-military career,” he says. 

Ryan identified that he needed formal accreditation. He used 360-degree feedback to assess his management skills. Although he scored highly in areas such as honesty and transparency, he scored low for empathy.

Keep reading: how CMI helped Ryan develop his career confidence


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