
Work’s out for summer?

Written by Dave Waller Tuesday 16 July 2024
Summer’s here, which for many managers means a hybrid holiday: where the dedicated home working space is invaded by demanding new ‘clients’. So how to ensure that the work still gets done?
Man on laptop working with children playing around

The final school bell of July has long sent kids into a frenzy, giddy at the expanse of holiday stretching out in front of them. But this week, for the thousands of parents and guardians in hybrid roles around the country, it may be alarm bells that are ringing. 

For hybrid workers with children, the start of summer heralds an invasion of the home office.  Young interlopers, a uniquely vocal breed of client, will be demanding a premium service – whether that’s den-building, refereeing fights over the Nintendo Switch or chauffeuring to costly summer camps. 

Pete Biggenden CMgr MCMI has been working from home for nine years. He says he’s always seen his home as an extension of the office – that’s part of the deal he signed up for and a helpful way for him to set boundaries between his two realities. 

But all that clarity goes out the window when the summer holiday hits. 

Read on: how to make the most of the summer work ‘rhythm’


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