
When did you realise you couldn’t “wing it” as a manager?

Written by Annie Makoff-Clark Tuesday 17 September 2024
One Chartered Manager shares the turning point in her career when she realised that good management was something she needed to actively work towards
A turning point. Make a decision on which path to take concept.

Good management isn’t just about getting good outcomes and results; it’s about leading with compassion and empathy. So when Jen Baines CMgr MCMI suffered trauma in the workplace, management at the law enforcement organisation she was working at should have pulled out all the stops to support Jen and her team. They didn’t. 

Instead, it was business as usual, with the expectation that employees should just get on with it. The role involved very long shifts in highly stressful, fast-paced environments. Not receiving badly needed support significantly impacted on the morale and mental health of Jen and her team. 

“Ultimately, it made me lose my trust and loyalty for the organisation. I realised the staff and I just weren’t valued,” says Jen.

A painful epiphany

The experience demonstrated to Jen, who had only been a manager for a short while, what bad management looks like. She was determined not to make the same mistakes.

Keep reading: how CMI training helped Jen on her management journey


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