
And the hot-button issue for management consultants is…

Written by Annie Makoff-Clark Wednesday 09 November 2022
Speaking to consultants about the key challenges facing clients, one set of issues keeps coming up
A consultant advising a client

The Economist recently ran a special edition on management consultancy, leading with the question: “Do Mckinsey and other consultants do anything useful?” 

It was a deliberately spiky headline, and one that will have caused many management consultants to reflect on their core purpose and value. As the Management Consultancies Association (MCA) put it recently: “consultants are valued most when they provide independent thinking and transformational outcomes”.

So in which areas are clients looking for that independent thinking and transformational outcomes right now? We spoke to a number of leading and independent consultants, and one set of issues shines through.

What are the hot topics for consultants right now?


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