
17 July – Highlights

Wednesday 17 July 2024
Who runs this house? Heated debates and healthy vows
A general election poster

The UK’s new Labour government is now two weeks into its tenure, and it’s been making some powerful statements about productivity, growth, public services and the environment. These goals are not just worthy but all eminently achievable – as long as they’re built on good management and leadership

The good news is we’ve been busy laying the groundwork. CMI has spent two years researching and producing Mission Possible, a policy paper to help the government protect what’s working; embed management development into its core strategies; and positively influence the actions of employers and their teams.

Ann Francke, CMI’s chief executive, shared her hopes for this new era with Management Today. She pressed the need for the UK to strengthen its management, echoing the findings of recent CMI analysis: that the £127bn productivity gap with leading nations such as Germany is linked to weaker management capability. 

Management and leadership will also be key to improving healthcare, another key issue for Keir Starmer’s administration. New health secretary Wes Streeting says that the NHS, the largest employer in Europe, is “broken”. People often say the problem lies with having too many managers. In fact, the opposite is true.

Here’s what I think – and why

Do you agree with CMI’s NHS diagnosis? What’s your take on Labour’s priorities? And would you be comfortable sharing those opinions at work? Many in the CMI community feel that political debates simply add to stress and tension in the workplace, as this article in People Management magazine explores.  

If you do find yourself embroiled in a lively discussion with your team, any tensions can be reduced by helping others to understand your rationale. This week’s newsletter features an extract from a new book by BBC analysis editor Ros Atkins, which breaks down – with clarity – how to give clear explanations. 

Changing with the seasons

You don’t need to be face-to-face with your colleagues to find things hotting up. Depending where you’re based, the summer holidays are either imminent or already here. This is likely to provide a fresh challenge for many hybrid working managers, with an invasion of the home office by young ‘clients’ and their demands – whether for nourishment, entertainment or lifts to their mates’ houses. Here, CMI members share their tips for home working in the summer, and ensuring you still get stuff done.

Finally, a major shake-up at work can be the spark for trying something new. Since the pandemic, 11% of UK professionals have changed careers. In a 2023 study, 23% said they were looking to do so within the next year. If the ‘sunshine’ is sparking such thoughts, we recommend you look – at these tips from career coach Tessa Dodwell – before you leap…



Image: Shutterstock / WD Stock Photos

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