Our extensive range of articles are designed to keep you in the loop with all the latest management and leadership best practice, research and news.

Accountability, purpose, client confidence and ethics: new insights for management consultants
What the latest issue of the Management Consulting Journal has in store
The power of mentorship
Reciprocal learning relationships have the potential to transform organisations, careers and lives
What do music and leadership have in common?
Pegram Harrison explores leadership lessons from the experience of music
Pride, commitment, dedication: what Chartered status means to you
During Chartered Week, a number of Chartered Managers shared their experiences of gaining their accreditation on LinkedIn
Dispelled: four myths about degree apprenticeships in healthcare
Degree apprenticeships remain subject to some misconceptions, writes Steven Hurst
How Newcastle College is plugging the management skills gap in engineering
David Harrison CMgr FCMI on ensuring graduates are prepared for the realities of modern engineering workplaces
Highlights – 12 March
EDI in the spotlight, plus Ann Francke OBE CMgr CCMI’s reaction to the Employment Rights Bill
Men as agents for change around gender equality
In an extract from Men Stepping Forward, Elisabeth Kelan sets out the change-maker framework
How I pay it forward
How trained dental nurse Louisa Dallinger’s CMI training helps her to help others
Adaptive working: a modern approach to flexibility in the workplace
Adaptive working represents a fundamental shift in traditional work paradigms, focusing on flexibility, autonomy and results
“Before you even go into a meeting, the CMI stamp says it all”
Paul Graham shares how CMI accreditation has given him “credibility” – and why EDI is a subject close to his heart
Why women hold back – and why we need a smarter approach to workplace promotions
Traditional promotion and employee evaluation processes often disadvantage women, write Iris Bohnet and Siri Chilazi