
What makes a successful reverse mentoring scheme?

Written by Ian Wylie Wednesday 09 March 2022
Reverse mentoring is helping businesses gain fresh perspective and progress their ED&I objectives. Some mentors and mentees reveal what they consider the essential ingredients to success
A reverse card from the game Uno

Mentoring is a widely recognised means of grooming future managers and leaders in organisations. But senior leaders are also seeing the benefit of so-called ‘reverse mentoring’ – seeking the perspective of less-experienced employees to give leaders a fresh perspective on rising trends such as technology or the future of work.

Reverse mentoring is also proving valuable in helping organisations progress their diversity and inclusion objectives. By having employees from underrepresented groups mentor more senior managers and decision-makers, reverse mentoring amplifies diverse voices throughout the organisation to help drive change through empathy, understanding and action. 

So what are the ingredients of a successful reverse mentoring scheme?

Keep reading to discover the ingredients of a successful reverse mentoring scheme


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