
Managers’ top gripes with hybrid working – and how to fix them

Written by CMI Insights Tuesday 18 June 2024
Amy Butterworth of flexible working consultancy Timewise answers some burning questions from the CMI community
Hybrid working concept

CMI’s webinar ‘Making hybrid work for you and your team’ gave us many practical takeaways, including the need for trust and to rethink what a productive day looks like. 


Making Hybrid Work for You and Your Team

Watch the webinar Read the report


We received many questions from the audience asking for advice on their hybrid hassles – but with time against us, the panel couldn’t answer all of them.

Thankfully, Amy Butterworth of flexible working consultancy Timewise (which partnered with CMI on its hybrid report) was on hand for a follow-up chat to answer some of those burning questions. Here’s what she had to say.

Watch the full interview with Amy:


Alison: How do we best use hybrid working to get away from presenteeism and/or clock watching? Is there scope for being more radical and defining jobs by outputs not hours?

Amy Butterworth (AB): There is definitely scope for thinking differently about how we define jobs and performance.

First, be clear about the core times in the day or week when people need to be available. This will enable you to give more flex around that. And when team members are clear on the outputs you require, you can move towards a more outputs-based way of measuring performance.

Read on: how to balance remote and office time as a manager


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