
How to become an even better manager

Written by CMI Insights Tuesday 18 June 2024
CMI’s chief executive Ann Francke OBE kicked off a lively discussion recently. Here are some highlights
Team members high-fiving

Writing in The Times, CMI chief executive Ann Francke OBE suggested six tips for becoming a better manager: 

  1. Ask for feedback, don’t just give it
  2. Hire people who aren’t like you
  3. Coach, don’t micromanage
  4. Call out bad behaviour
  5. Focus on outcomes, not face-time
  6. Invest in yourself

Great advice, and readers and Ann’s followers on LinkedIn jumped in. 

I would add ‘manage people the way they want to be managed’,” said Robert Hartley. “I’ve heard too many times managers saying ‘I treat people the way that I would want to be treated’ but some people thrive on urgency and deadlines; others require time to adjust to new ideas and change.”

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