
Considering a career change? Do these six things first

Written by Tessa Dodwell Tuesday 16 July 2024
Many people’s career priorities have changed post-pandemic, but before you consider a radical overhaul of your own working life, make sure you do the due diligence
Should I Stay? Should I Go? signpost drawn on a blackboard

I work as a career transition coach, so part of my role is to support those considering changing careers. 

I wasn’t always a coach. Ten years ago, I made my own career change – I left a director role in the logistics industry to retrain as a coach and have never looked back. 

Clients often attend coaching feeling confused, stuck and deflated – uncertain whether to make the move to a new career, and sometimes not clear what career to move to. Six sessions later, they leave with “clarity”, “direction” and “confidence” (their words). Some have opted to leave their industry to pursue a stifled dream, some have started up their own businesses and some have chosen a portfolio style career. 

Not all take the leap, but they leave coaching knowing why they want to stay put.   

Since the pandemic, 11% of UK professionals have changed career, and, in a 2023 study, 23% said they were looking to move careers within the next year. 

Are you considering a career change? Before you hand in your notice, here are six key considerations to think through.

Read more: why honest self-assessment is a career-change prerequisite


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