
Looking for advice and guidance? Whether you are looking for topical tips or information, you can find the latest advice and guidance from the CMI team here.

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Topic: Project Management

Seven tips to build a personal brand as an independent management consultant

Why building a strong personal brand isn’t just for influencers

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Topic: Hybrid Working

Feeling ‘squeezed’ by hybrid working?

The skills you need to add to your hybrid working skill set: from being open to change to listening to what the data says…

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Topic: Personal Development

How I learned to beat imposter syndrome

NHS service manager Aliyah Akhtar CMgr MCMI has learned to manage feelings of inadequacy at work

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Topic: Productivity

Autonomous teams: How I learned to let go

Give your people autonomy, and you can expect greater satisfaction, fulfilment, resilience and engagement in return

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Topic: Communication

Six interoperability principles to build multi-disciplinary, rapid-response teams

Valuable lessons for management consultants from the interoperability principles used by emergency services

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Topic: Personal Development

Are you trapped in old ways of thinking?

How managers can challenge their thinking habits to refresh their approaches to decision-making

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Topic: Personal Development

Why logic alone doesn’t win arguments

Decision-making, which is never purely logical – it is also emotional and political

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Topic: Productivity

The post-summer blues are here. How can you help your team through them?

How to rally your team’s morale as the days get shorter

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Topic: Personal Development

“They had a private bar on the top floor!”: The good, bad and ugly of management role modelling

The management behaviours that inspire others (and those that don’t)

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Topic: Productivity

How to communicate urgency without stressing out your team

How do you convey a sense of urgency while keeping everyone on side?

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Topic: Productivity

How older managers can stay relevant in a changed workplace

Does the modern workplace accentuate gaps between generations? How can we bridge the gap?

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Topic: Productivity

“Can I borrow you for a sec?”: Why busy managers need to be mindful of how they communicate

Better communication as a manager could make your job much easier

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